




Helena Walking Tours

Helena Walking Tours

Helena's 19th century architecture dazzles and its gold rush history compels. Born during the Gold Rush of 1864, this is a rare town that's managed to become a modern city while retaining the character of its early years: a perfect place to relive the Old West


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helena tourism

Self-guided historical tours

The Helena Walking Tour app will help locals and visitors explore Helena's unique history and architecture. The 2017 update over-halls the entire app, rebuilding the new design from the ground up.

The app is available for download in both the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Initial Design

helena walking tours 2012 design

Updated Design

helena walking tours 2017 updated design
woman holding the helena walking tours augmented reality app

augmented reality

Giving tourists a glimpse into the past

First of its kind technology that allows users to raise their smart phones at specific locations and see a geographically-relevant image of historic Helena.

The apps release is discussed in: History Comes Alive on the Helena Walking App, a blog post by the Helena department of tourism.

helena walking tours mobile app splash screen
helena walking tours mobile app site info screen
two men holding the helena walking tours augmented reality app
hand holding the helena walking tours augmented reality app on the map screenhelena walking tours creation teamhand holding the helena walking tours augmented reality app

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